International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage

CC BY-NC-SA Brilha Jose
The first international meeting on geoconservation was held in The Netherlands in 1988, with the presence of seven European countries. One of the outputs of this meeting was the establishment of the European Working Group on Earth Science Conservation, which evolved in 1993 to ProGEO.
ProGEO was the first international body of geoconservation organised as a European and democratic association which has the capacity and the legitimate support to speak for those involved in geoconservation in Europe.
The inspiration of the “First International Symposium on the Conservation of our Geological Heritage” at Digne-les-Bains (France) in 1991 provided a great momentum for the developing cause of European geoconservation, and an ethos to underpin the day-to-day efforts of ProGEO and all in the field, in the form of the Digne Declaration.
Main achievements
From the first establishment of ProGEO, seminars, conferences and symposia have been arranged within the framework of the association, both on national and international levels.
Both regional and national ProGEO groups are active in the work of conserving the geological heritage of their countries or regions. One of the main activities of these groups has been contributions to the geosites project which establishes frameworks for selection of geoconservation sites of international importance.
ProGEO has also cooperated with many others to organize meetings and symposia including, sessions at international geological congresses (IGC)in Oslo (2008), Brisbane (2012), and Cape Town (2016). Other key achievements include contributing to the establishment of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) first two geological resolutions ever, the first adopted at the WCC 2008 and the second at the WCC 2012. For the first time, the World Parks Congress 2014 included geoconservation in its programme in Sydney, Australia.
One of the ProGEO’s major initiatives is the scientific publication “Geoheritage”, published by Springer since 2009. This collaborative effort can develop new and broader perspectives in geoconservation, such as geodiversity, geotourism, geoparks, landscape conservation and geological education.
Furthermore, for the first time a comprehensive overview of geoconservation in Europe has been presented in a book – “Geoheritage in Europe and its conservation”. The book includes specific contributions from 37 countries focussing on legislation and geoconservation practices.
Past Events
Charnwood Forest, UK
XIth International ProGEO Symposium. 10th General Assembly. Declaration of Loughborough-Charnwood Forest.
Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Conference on Natural and Cultural Landscapes, the Geological Foundation. 3rd General Assembly. Declarations adopted by delegates at the Conference in Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, September 9–11, 2002.
ProGEO was officially registered as an organisation in Sweden (with the organisation number 817605-8769) on 8th November 2000.
Meeting of Central European Working Group (Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Belarus).
Prague, Czech Republic.
Madrid, Spain
IIIrd International ProGEO Symposium “Towards the Balanced Management and Conservation of the Geological Heritage in the New Millenium”.
Belogradchik, Bulgaria
Meeting of Regional Group "Geological Heritage of Europe".
Tallinn, Estonia
Meeting of Regional Group. 2nd General Assembly.
Rome, Italy
IInd International ProGEO Symposium "On the Conservation of our Geological Heritage/ World Heritage: Geotope Conservation World-wide, European and Italian Experiences".
Sigtuna, Sweden and Finland
Meeting of Regional Group.
Budapest, Hungary
Meeting of Regional Group.
Mitwitz-Cologne, Germany
The European Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage ProGEO was founded 5th May 1993 as the result of two business meetings of the European Working Group on Earth-Science Conservation held on 3rd of May in Mitwitz and on 5th of May in Cologne. 1st General Assembly held. ProGEO Articles approved.
European Working Group on Earth Science Conservation (EWG-ESC) Meetings
Weymouth, England
Digne-les-Bains, France
Ist International Symposium.
"Declaration of the Rights of the Memory of the Earth".
Lom, Norway
Presentation of the Lom Articles
Lochau, Austria.
Leersum, Holland.
The first group, "The European Working Group on Earth-Science Conservation" (EWG-ESC) was founded.
Madrid, Spain
(fully online event)
Xth International ProGEO Symposium “Building connections for global geoconservation”. 9th General Assembly. Approval of name change to International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage.
Chęciny, Poland
IXth International ProGEO Symposium “Geoheritage and Geoconservation: Modern Approaches and Applications towards 2030 Agenda”. 8th General Assembly. Declaration of Chęciny.
Reykjavík, Iceland
VIIIth International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of Geoheritage "Geoconservation Strategies in a Changing World". 7th General Assembly. Declaration of Reykjavík.
Bari, Italy
VIIth International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of Geoheritage. "Geoheritage: Protecting and Sharing". 6th General Assembly.
Hagen, Germany
VIth International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of Geological Heritage “Geosites: Resources for the Public. Palaeontology and Conservation of Geosites”.
Rab, Croatia
Vth International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of the Geological Heritage. 5th General Assembly. Final Declaration.
Kyiv, Ukraine
Meeting of Central European Working Group “Safeguarding our Geological Heritage. European Protection Policies of the Geological Heritage – Theory and Practice”. 4th General Assembly.
Braga, Portugal
IV International Symposium ProGEO. On the Conservation of the Geological Heritage
ProGEO Conference References
Chęciny, Poland
Topical collection “Geoheritage and Conservation: Modern Approaches and Applications Towards the 2030 Agenda, IX ProGEO Symposium, Poland, 25-28th June, 2018”. E. Głowniak (Guest Editor). 2019-2021. ISSN: 1867–2477 (Print) 1867–2485 (Online) — Collection of 24 post-symposial papers (available online and continue to appear in the few printed volumes of Geoheritage 2019-2021) (https://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/12371?tabName=topicalCollections)
Geoheritage and Conservation: Modern Approaches and Applications Towards the 2030 Agenda. 9th ProGEO Symposium, Chęciny, Poland, 25–28th June, 2018, Programme and Abstract Book. E. Głowniak, A. Wasiłowska and P. Leonowicz (Eds.). Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, 2018, 189 pp. ISBN 978–83–945216–6–0.
Geoheritage and Conservation: Modern Approaches and Applications Towards the 2030 Agenda. Field Trip Guidebook of the 9th ProGEO Symposium, Chęciny, Poland, 25–28th June 2018. E. Głowniak and A. Wasiłowska (Eds.). Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, 2018, 91 pp. ISBN 978–83–945216–7–7.
2015, Reykjavík, Iceland
The VIII International ProGEO Symposium in Reykjavík, 2015. L. Ásbjörnsdóttir (Issue Editor). 2018. — Collection of 16 post-symposial articles (available online and in the Geoheritage 2028, vol. 10, issue 2) (https://link.springer.com/journal/12371/volumes-and-issues/10-2)
VIII International ProGEO Symposium 2015. Geoconservation Strategies in a Changing World. Programme and Abstracts. 2015. L. Ásbjörnsdóttir (Ed.). Reykjavík: Icelandic Institute of Natural History, 110 pp.
Hagen, Germany
VI International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of the Geological Heritage. GeoTop 2010. Geosites for the Public. Paleontology and Conservation of Geosites – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 66, Duderstadt, 2010, 244 pp.
Rab, Croatia
V International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of the Geological Heritage. Proceedings, ProGEO-Croatia, Zagreb, 2008, 112 pp.
Kyiv, Ukraine
ProGEO Symposium 2006. Safeguarding our Geological Heritage. Volume of Abstracts, Kyiv, 2006, 78 pp.
Braga, Portugal
IV International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of the Geological Heritage. Abstracts, Earth Science Center, University of Minho, Braga, 2005, 165 pp.
Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Matthew Parkes (Ed.). 2004: Natural and Cultural Landscapes, The Geological Foundation, Proceedings of a conference, Royal Irish Academy, 2002, Dublin, 2002, 330 pp.
Prague, Czech Republic
ProGEO Annual Meeting. Annual Meeting – Abstracts, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, 2000, 40 pp.
Madrid, Spain
Geological Heritage: its conservation and management. Lectures presented in the III International Symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, 1999, Madrid (Spain). D. Barettino, W.A.P. Wimbledon, E. Gallego (Eds.). 1999. Spain: Instituto Tecnologico Geominero de Espania, 212 pp. ISBN: 84-7840-417-1
Towards the balanced management and conservation of the geological heritage in the new millenium. Communications presented in the III International Symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, 1999, Madrid (Spain). D. Barettino, W.A.P. Wimbledon, E. Gallego (Eds.). 1999. Madrid: Sociedad Geológica de España, 459 pp.
The geological and paleontological heritage of central and eastern Iberia (Iberian range, Spain). III International symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, 1999. Field guide. G. Meléndez, C. Soria-Llop (Eds.). 1999. Publicationes del Seminario de Paleontología de Zaragoza (SEPAZ), Vol. 4.
Belogradchik, Bulgaria
Zagorchev I & Nakov R. (Eds.) 1998: Geological Heritage of Europe (Proceedings). Geologica Balcanica 1998, 28 (3–4). Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
ProGEO'98. Abstract volume. Bulg. Geol. Soc., Sofia, 1998, 79 pp.
Tallinn, Estonia 1997
Miidel A. (Ed.). 1998: ProGEO ´97 in Estonia, Proceedings. The Second general assembly of the European association for the Conservation of the geological heritage. Scientific Conference. Tallinn – Lahemaa National Park, Estonia, June 2–4, 1997. Geological Survey of Estonia.
The Second General Assembly of the European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage: Scientific Conference in Tallinn-Lahemaa National Park, Estonia, 2–4 June 1997, Brochure of Abstracts, Tallinn, 1997, 48 pp.
Rome, Italy
Gisotti G., Zarlenga F. (Eds.). 1999: The second international symposium on the Conservation of our geological heritage/world heritage: Geotope conservation world-wide, European and Italian experiences. Roma 1996. Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d´Italia. Volume LIV.
The Second International Symposium on the Conservation of our geological heritage in Rome, Italy, 20–22 May 1996: Abstracts volume, Rome, 1996, 121 pp.
Sigtuna, Sweden and Finland
ProGEO General Assembly 1995. Abstracts. Paper and poster presentations, Geological Survey of Sweden, Uppsala, 19 pp.
Budapest, Hungary
ProGEO '94 Workshop in Hungary, 29 May–4 June 1994: Excursion Guidebook, Nat. Authority of Nature Conservation, Budapest, 1994, 106 pp.
Mitwitz-Cologne, Germany
Symposium Geological Heritage '93. Geotope protection for Europe. Abstracts and guidebook, University Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, 1993, 60 pp.
Weymouth, England
European Working Group on Earth Science Conservation. May–June 1992 Meeting. Wales and Southwest England, 1992, 44 pp.
Digne, France
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Conservation of our Geological Heritage (Digne-les-Bains, 11–16 June 1991) – Mémoires de la Soc. Géol. de France, Nouvelle Série, No. 165, 1994, 276 pp.
First International Symposium on the Conservation of our Geological Heritage, Digne, France, 11–16 June 1991: Abstracts book (Terra Abstracts Suppl. 2 to Terra Nova Volume 3, 1991, 17 p.) and Field Trip Guide Book, Digne, 1991, 47 pp.
Lom, Norway
Erikstad L. (Ed.). 1992: Earth Science Conservation in Europe. Proceedings from the Third Meeting of the European Working Group of Earth Science Conservation, NINA Utredning 41, Oslo, 72 pp.
Lochau, Austria
The second international meeting on Earth-science conservation. Earth-Science Conservation. An Absolute Need for Science and Education. Proceedings – Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Band 133, Heft 4, Wien, 1990, 653–669.
Leersum, Holland
International Meeting on Earth Science Conservation. First International Meeting on Earth Science Conservation. Summary, Duff, K., 1988, 9 p.
Bari, Italy
VII International ProGEO Symposium on Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO – SIGEA). Geoheritage: Protecting and sharing – Geologia dell' Ambiente, Supplemento al n. 3/2012, Alatri, 2012, 256 pp.