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International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage

Russian Group, Irini Theodossiou-Drandak, (Greece) and Vladimir Manuk, (Ukraine) on the Tu

East European Working Group

Coordinator: Dr. Evgenyi Kislov (Geological Institute,

Ulan-Ude, Buryatia), 2023 – present

Past coordinators: 

  • Dr. Vladimir Silantiev (Kazan Federal University), 2020 − 2023

  • Dr. Marina Vdovets (VSEGEI, Saint Petersbourg), 2008—2020

  • Dr. Andrey Lapo (VSEGEI, Saint Petersburg), 1997 — 2008

Number of active members: 11 (2023/2024)

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1997. Origins

The East European Working Group was founded in 1997 by Dr. Andrey Lapo (A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, Saint Petersburg). In 2008, following his tenure, Dr. Marina Vdovets, a senior researcher at A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute was elected as a new coordinator, and held the position until 2020, when Dr. Vladimir Silantiev, a Professor of Geology, currently at Branch of the Kazan Federal University in the city of Jizzakh, Uzbekistan, was elected as the coordinator. In 2023 a new coordinator of the group, Dr. Evgenyi Kislov, a Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Metallogeny and Ore Formation at the Geological Institute (Ulan-Ude, Buryatia) was elected. The group presently consists of 11 active members, including eight from Saint-Petersburg A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, one person each from Moscow, Kazan (Tatarstan) and Ulan-Ude (Buryatia).

Activity of the Working Group

  • studying and monitoring of various geosites in the following regions: Altai, Bashkortostan, Karelia, Komi, Leningrad,Orenburg, Тatarstan, Yaroslavl', and others. Through these efforts, the group has successfully obtained official protected status for some previously unprotected geosites, in addition to publishing books on the subject of geosites;

  • organising several conferences, workshops, and excursions focused on geosites in various cities including Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Syktyvkar, and Ufa. These events aimed to further  understanding and appreciation of geosites;

  • an annual Scientific and Educational Expedition, known as the "Flotilla of Floating Universities", which takes place in multiple locations along the Volga River;

  • preparing the nomination dossiers of the Toratau Geopark and Yangantau Geopark (Bashkortostan) for submission to the UNESCO World Heritage Center;


Activity of the A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute members

(Saint-Petersburg) and its results


  • Contributing a chapter on Geoconservation in Russia to "Geoheritage in Europe and its conservation" (Wimbledon, W.A.P. & Smith-Meyer, S., Eds., 2012);

  • Preparing the IUGS Desktop review of the World Heritage nomination "The Lena Pillars, Russian Federation" in relation to its geological and geomorphological values;

  • Activity in the ProGeo Election Committee (in 2018-2019 as a chair);

  • Preparing the nomination dossier of The Kapova (Shulgantan) Cave for submission to the UNESCO World Heritage Center;

  • An official letter from VSEGEI to support the establishment of the  International Geodiversity Day;

  • The brief descriptions of the officially protected geosites for the digital map of the protected natural areas of the Russian Federation (GIS Atlas) as well as for the Information Retrieval System “Unique Geological Objects of Russia” were partly updated and are being updated;

  • The detailed descriptions of geosites for the National Geological and Cartographic Resource “Nedra Rossii” (“Subsoil of Russia”) were partly compiled and are being compiled;

  • Manual on working with the A.P. Karpinsky Institute Centralized Information Resource “Specially Protected Natural Territories and Geological Natural Monuments” was compiled together with the specialists in the field of information systems and databanks;

  • Official letters to protect the Kushtau Mountain (Bashkortostan) addressed to the highest officials of Russia Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan; establishment of the Ingermanland Geopark located in the vicinity of Saint-Petersburg; the group has published three comprehensive guidebooks on geosites, and sightseeing map of the geopark; a guidebook focused on the geodiversity in St. Petersburg architecture is currently in press. It is devoted to the use of rocks and minerals in architecture.

  • The concept of creation of the St. Petersburg - Ancient Baltic Geopark was developed and presented to the management of the A.P. Karpinsky All-Russian Geological Institute.(Kislov)


Overall, the East European Working Group has played a significant role in promoting geological conservation and education by conducting extensive research, publishing informational materials, and organizing various events aimed at promoting awareness and appreciation of the geological heritage of the country.


This description was prepared by Marina Vdovets and it was reviewed by Vladimir Silantiev and Evenyi Kislov.


Additional information is available at  


c/o Geological Survey of Sweden

Organisation no. 817605-8769

Box 670, SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden


Kevin Page,

Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK

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Executive Secretary:

Ewa Głowniak,

Faculty of Geology

University of Warsaw, Poland


Sven Lundqvist,

Geological Survey of Sweden

Affiliating organisations

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