Calendar 2024
January 15-17
First Field Workshop on Geoheritage Conservation in Mining Environments of Murcia Region
Workshop, Conferences and fieldwork at different localities in the Murcia Region, Spain,
April 15-19
76. Geological Congress of Türkiye with International Participation
Conference, Ankara, Türkiye
Organizers: Cultural Center of the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara / Türkiye
May 11-12
Geolodía (Geology Day)
Annual outreach event,
More than 50 locations (every province in Spain, plus some islands)
Organizers: Geological Society of Spain (Sociedad Geológica de España),
May 11-12
Antonio Stoppani:dalla scienza alla divulgazione
Conference, Monte Barro Park, Italian Alps
Geologia & Turismo Association
May 15
Italian ProGEO National Group Meeting
Rome (Italy)
May 20-25
Volcandpark 2024
Conference, Jičín (Czech Republic)
An event to bring together experts in valuation, protection, education and management of volcanic areas.
June 7
Commemorating the World Environment Day ("Celebrando o Dia Internacional do Meio Ambiente" / "Celebrando el Día Internacional del Medio Ambiente")
The workshop will feature case studies on the conservation of geological sites with community participation. Presentations of 4 case studies from Brazil, Chile and Mexico.
June 14-16
National Congress SIGEA "I paesaggi e beni geologici, patrimonio culturale e patrimonio immateriale"
Conference session, Salve (Puglia, Italy)
National Congress SIGEA "I paesaggi e beni geologici, patrimonio culturale e patrimonio immateriale",
SIGEA - Italian Association of Environmental Geology
July 2-6
XI Geological Congress of Spain (2024)
Session on Geoconservation, Ávila, Spain
Organizers: Spanish Geological Society - Geoheritage Comission
August 25-31
Session T27-4: Geoconservation and Geoheritage: geodiversity underpinning natural systems (Led by ProGEO)
Session, Republic of Korea
Organizers: The 37th International Geological Congress, Busan
Conveners: Kevin Page, Ewa Głowniak
Co-conveners: John Gordon, José Brilha, Maria da Glória Motta Garcia, Kevin Page, Manu Monge-Ganuzas
September 3-5
Conference session, Bari (Puglia, Italy)
Session T6 to T11 un der the umbrella CULTURAL AND GEOHERITAGE:
T6. Geodiversity for a sustainable planet
T7. Geosciences for Cultural Heritages
T8. Geosciences on display: the role of Natural History Museums in the future of our planet
T9. Raising awareness on geodiversity: a must for the geoscientist
T10. Vibrational spectroscopy studies of geomaterials: case studies and new perspectives
T11. Wandering to learn: Geotourism as a medium for the dissemination of Geodiversity
T20. Geomorphology in the Anthropocene: from human-landscape interaction to geoheritage management issues
Italian Geological Society and Italian Mineralogy and Petrology Society
September 22-25
Geological Society of America Connects 2024
Conference, Anaheim, California USA
T40: Human Dimensions of Geoheritage
Geological Society of America annual meeting : T40 Conveners Christina DeVera and Tim Henderson,
October 6-13
12a Edition of the "Settimana del
Pianeta Terra
Annual outreach event, Italy
Several events all around Italy.
Associazione Settimana Pianeta Terra
October 6
World Geodiversity Day - Excursion to discover the geology and geodiversity of Monte Vettore
World Geodiversity Day - Excursion to discover the geology and geodiversity of Monte Vettore, Italy
November 8
National Meeting on Geological Heritage (ENAPG),
Meeting, Chile
"Geoheritage and Geoeducation Disciplinary Group" of the Andrés Bello University (GPGE UNAB)