International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage
Calendar 2025
March 22
Hydrogeology Day (Hidrogeodía)
Annual outreach event, Int. Assoc. of Hydrogeologists,
Spanish Group,
Many provinces in Spain
March 27-29
"ProGEO Virtual Conference on Geoconservation" - 2nd edition
Roma-Perugia, Italy, (online)
Organizers: ProGEO South-Western Europe Working Group.
(Irene M. Bollati et al.)
April 14-19
77th Geological Congress of Türkiye
Ankara (Türkiye)
Cultural Geology, Geological Heritage and Geotourism”
Organizers :local ProGEO Jeolojik Mirası Koruma Derneği – JeMirKo
April 27 - May 2
EGU 25 Session GM4.5:
“The Contribution of Geodiversity and Geoheritage to Society – Bridging Geoscience, Education, and Community Engagement”
Vienna, Austria & Online
co-organised by the Geomorphosites Working Group of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) and ProGEO.
Lesley Dunlop and Márton Pál et al.
April 27 - May 2
EGU 25, Session ITS3.13: “Geomythology: Bridging the Humanities and Geosciences”
Vienna, Austria & Online
Organizers: Dariusz Brykała, Timothy Burbery, Andrea Fischer, Robert Piotrowski, Kevin Page
April 27 - May 2
EGU 25, Short course: "Geodiversity, geoheritage and geoconservation: tools to achieve a more sustainable world"
Short Course
Vienna, Austria & Online
Organizers: Vittoria Vandelli, Lesley Dunlop, Paula Naomi Irapta, Alicja Najwer, Márton Pál.
May 10-11
Geolodía (Geology Day)
Annual outreach event,
More than 50 locations (every province in Spain, plus some islands)
Organizers: Geological Society of Spain (Sociedad Geológica de España),
August 12-27
International Summer School
Field Training on Geology and Geoheritage
"Geoheritage of the Silk Road"
Field workshop,
Western Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.
Organizers: Tian-shan Shan Geological Society. Contact person: Alexey Dudashvili,
August 13
Seminar in the framework of the International Summer School
Field Training
on Geology and Geoheritage
"Geoheritage of the Silk Road"
Seminar, Salve
Cholpon-Ata City in Western Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.
Organizers: Tian-shan Shan Geological Society. Contact person: Alexey Dudashvili,
September 30
- 2 October
12th International ProGEO Symposium “Celebrating Geological Heritage and Geoparks”
Tulcea and the Cimmerian Dobrogea Geopark, România
GeoEcoMar (Andrei Briceag and Antoneta Seghedi)
and University of Bucharest (Alexandru Andrășanu)
Organizers: GeoEcoMar (Andrei Briceag and Antoneta Seghedi)
and University of Bucharest (Alexandru Andrășanu)
October 19-22
GSA Connects 2025
San Antonio, TX, USA
Organizers: GSA is the main organizer; Priscilla is organizing a geoheritage session
Calendar 2024
February 15-17
First Field Workshop on Geoheritage Conservation in Mining Environments of Murcia Region
Workshop, Conferences and fieldwork at different localities in the Murcia Region, Spain,
April 15-19
76. Geological Congress of Türkiye with International Participation
Conference, Ankara, Türkiye
Organizers: Cultural Center of the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara / Türkiye
May 11-12
Geolodía (Geology Day)
Annual outreach event,
More than 50 locations (every province in Spain, plus some islands)
Organizers: Geological Society of Spain (Sociedad Geológica de España),
May 10-12
Antonio Stoppani:dalla scienza alla divulgazione
Conference, Monte Barro Park, Italian Alps
Geologia & Turismo Association
May 15
Italian ProGEO National Group Meeting
Rome (Italy)
May 20-25
Volcandpark 2024
Conference, Jičín (Czech Republic)
An event to bring together experts in valuation, protection, education and management of volcanic areas.
June 7
Commemorating the World Environment Day ("Celebrando o Dia Internacional do Meio Ambiente" / "Celebrando el Día Internacional del Medio Ambiente")
The workshop will feature case studies on the conservation of geological sites with community participation. Presentations of 4 case studies from Brazil, Chile and Mexico.
June 14-16
National Congress SIGEA "I paesaggi e beni geologici, patrimonio culturale e patrimonio immateriale"
Conference session, Salve (Puglia, Italy)
National Congress SIGEA "I paesaggi e beni geologici, patrimonio culturale e patrimonio immateriale",
SIGEA - Italian Association of Environmental Geology
July 2-6
XI Geological Congress of Spain (2024)
Session on Geoconservation, Ávila, Spain
Organizers: Spanish Geological Society - Geoheritage Comission
August 25-31
Session T27-4: Geoconservation and Geoheritage: geodiversity underpinning natural systems (Led by ProGEO)
Session, Republic of Korea
Organizers: The 37th International Geological Congress, Busan
Conveners: Kevin Page, Ewa Głowniak
Co-conveners: John Gordon, José Brilha, Maria da Glória Motta Garcia, Kevin Page, Manu Monge-Ganuzas
September 3-5
Conference session, Bari (Puglia, Italy)
Session T6 to T11 un der the umbrella CULTURAL AND GEOHERITAGE:
T6. Geodiversity for a sustainable planet
T7. Geosciences for Cultural Heritages
T8. Geosciences on display: the role of Natural History Museums in the future of our planet
T9. Raising awareness on geodiversity: a must for the geoscientist
T10. Vibrational spectroscopy studies of geomaterials: case studies and new perspectives
T11. Wandering to learn: Geotourism as a medium for the dissemination of Geodiversity
T20. Geomorphology in the Anthropocene: from human-landscape interaction to geoheritage management issues
Italian Geological Society and Italian Mineralogy and Petrology Society
September 22-25
Geological Society of America Connects 2024
Conference, Anaheim, California USA
T40: Human Dimensions of Geoheritage
Geological Society of America annual meeting : T40 Conveners Christina DeVera and Tim Henderson,https://community.geosociety.org/gsa2024/program/technical/topical
October 6-13
12a Edition of the "Settimana del
Pianeta Terra
Annual outreach event, Italy
Several events all around Italy.
Associazione Settimana Pianeta Terra
October 6
World Geodiversity Day - Excursion to discover the geology and geodiversity of Monte Vettore
World Geodiversity Day - Excursion to discover the geology and geodiversity of Monte Vettore, Italy
October 8
International Day of Geodiversity, "IUGS Geological Sites in LAC". Sites in The First 100 Geological Sites volume - October 8, 2024, 11 am (GMT-3)
ProGEO and Brazilian Association for the Defense of Geological and Mining Heritage (AGeoBR)
November 8
National Meeting on Geological Heritage (ENAPG),
Meeting, Chile
"Geoheritage and Geoeducation Disciplinary Group" of the Andrés Bello University (GPGE UNAB)
November 29
1st Online ProGEO Seminar on Geodiversity and Geoheritage organised by the Hungarian ProGEO Group
Webinar, Hungary
Hungarian Geological Society
ProGEO Section for the Protection of Geoscientific Heritage, Budapest,
Facebook: progeo_hungary
Calendar 2023
January 16-17
Geodiversity science for society
Meeting, Nottingham,
Organizers: Royal Society of London
April 10-14
Cultural Geology Geological Heritage Geotourism
Session, Ankara, Türkiye
Turkish Geological Engineers
April 25-27
USGS Geoheritage Mapping Workshop II
Workshop, Shepherdstown, WV USA
Organizers: USGS
May 26-28
5th national geology days
Annual outreach event, France
Organizers: French Geological Society
June 27-30
Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2023
Conference, Australia
Organizers: Australian Geoscience Council
July 1-15
Flotilla of Floating Universities
Russia, Volga Region, Russia, Volga Region
Organizers:Lomonosov Moscow State University (Earth Science Museum);Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; State Technical University, Tambov
September 05-10
International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks 2023
Conference, Marrakech, Morocco
Organizers: Australian Geoscience Council
October 06
International Geodiversity Day
Annual outreach event, Litija, Slovenia
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Municipality of Litija
October 06-08
Unesco International Geodiversity Day in Luxembourg
Annual outreach event, Luxembourg-City, Luxembourg
Musée national d’histoire naturelle Luxembourg & Commission pour la coopération avec l’Unesco, Luxembourg
October 06-08
International Geodiversity Day
First International Congress on Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geotourism,
Geoeducation, Geoparks & Sustainable Development Goals (5G & SDGs)
Conference, Safi, Morocco
Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Safi, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco
Ezzoura Errami
In collaboration with
African Geoparks Network (AGN), African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG) and Organization of African Geological Surveys (OAGS)
October 30th to November 3rd
National Earth Science Meeting
Geoheritage and Outreach Session
Conference, Rennes (France)
French geological Society and University of Rennes