Calendar 2023
January 16-17
Geodiversity science for society
Meeting, Nottingham,
Organizers: Royal Society of London
April 10-14
Cultural Geology Geological Heritage Geotourism
Session, Ankara, Türkiye
Turkish Geological Engineers
April 25-27
USGS Geoheritage Mapping Workshop II
Workshop, Shepherdstown, WV USA
Organizers: USGS
May 26-28
5th national geology days
Annual outreach event, France
Organizers: French Geological Society
June 27-30
Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2023
Conference, Australia
Organizers: Australian Geoscience Council
July 1-15
Flotilla of Floating Universities
Russia, Volga Region, Russia, Volga Region
Organizers:Lomonosov Moscow State University (Earth Science Museum);Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; State Technical University, Tambov
September 05-10
International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks 2023
Conference, Marrakech, Morocco
Organizers: Australian Geoscience Council
October 06
International Geodiversity Day
Annual outreach event, Litija, Slovenia
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Municipality of Litija
October 06-08
Unesco International Geodiversity Day in Luxembourg
Annual outreach event, Luxembourg-City, Luxembourg
Musée national d’histoire naturelle Luxembourg & Commission pour la coopération avec l’Unesco, Luxembourg
October 24-28
International Geodiversity Day
First International Congress on Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geotourism,
Geoeducation, Geoparks & Sustainable Development Goals (5G & SDGs)
Conference, Safi, Morocco
Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Safi, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco
Ezzoura Errami
In collaboration with
African Geoparks Network (AGN), African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG) and Organization of African Geological Surveys (OAGS)
October 30th to November 3rd
National Earth Science Meeting
Geoheritage and Outreach Session
Conference, Rennes (France)
French geological Society and University of Rennes
November 26-27
The 1st International Forum on Mining Studies
Conference, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Mining Studies focus on Chinkuashih, Chiufen, and Shuinandong regions, where the cultural landscape is constructured on the unique gold-copper-bearing geoheritage. The subjects includes history, conservation strategies , sustainable developement plans, and so on.